About the Proprietors of
Key West Fine Wines
Mike and Jessica Downer are the proprietors of Key West Fine Wines. Mike and Jessica relocated to Key West full-time from Los Angeles after Mike retired from the corporate world.
Jessica, a board-certified family physician, is from Key West and graduated from Key West High School. Jessica was a much sought after cutting-edge holistic physician while she was in Los Angeles and maintained a concierge-style family practice. Jessica is now practicing medicine in Key West and involved in the wine shop as well as local charities.
Mike worked his way through college in the restaurant industry. He developed a passion for wine during this time that continued to grow over his four decade career as an attorney and executive for a global investment firm.
In 2006, Mike was selected as the Outstanding Corporate Counsel of the Year by the Los Angeles County Bar Association and is a Lifetime American Bar Foundation Fellow. Mike ended his career as Chairman of the Board of his former firm’s national banking affiliate, in addition to holding other leadership positions.
After decades of non-stop business travel and logging millions of miles, Mike now commutes just a few steps to Key West Fine Wines from their home in Key West. Mike devotes the same degree of energy to this new venture as he did in his former career — although at a more leisurely pace. He is an avid reader — especially about wine — and recently passed the Introductory Sommelier Exam administered by the highly respected Court of the Masters.